Non Fiction (2022—2024)
"To give truth the colour and narrative force of fiction," this was Truman Capote's ambition when he wrote In Cold Blood, the true account of a quadruple homicide in 1960s Kansas. It is the starting point for Non Fiction, a work of lyrical documentary that explores the porous boundary between fact and fiction in photography.
Since its beginnings, photography has entertained a complex relation to truth: even the most 'objective' portrait will necessarily involve decisions relating to location, light and pose.
In Non Fiction, this tension is pushed to its extreme through a variety of visual strategies, deployed to blur the lines. Images based on rumours, local news stories and chance encounters accumulate and coalesce, forming a narrative that is fluid and multidirectional. It is up to the audience to interpret this narrative, to find keys into it, to give the work meaning.
Everything is real, everything is fake, but one thing is certain: truth is at least as strange as fiction.
British Journal of Photography
Fisheye Magazine
Safelight Paper
Velvet Eyes
Arttaca Magazine